
Experiential Learning

Oakwood’s Statement of Philosophy compels us to have students “grapple meaningfully with ideas, to discover relationships among disciplines, and to become independent and moral thinkers.”
We strive to engage students viscerally and intellectually, employing their senses to challenge their understanding of the nature of the world.

Through experiential learning, we seize opportunities to inhabit the spaces between traditional and progressive pedagogy, and we dissolve the barriers between the classroom and the world around us.

List of 3 items.


    Athletics, Debate, Music (Glee club, jazz, orchestra, rock, pop band), STEAM, Theatre, and much more!

    Oakwood’s Immersion program provides an intense two-week period in the academic year for students to be fully engaged in rich and challenging learning experiences. Immersion courses are experiential—learning is hands-on, exploratory, and unrestricted by the boundaries of the regular classroom.


    • 8th Grade Class Trip to Washington D.C.
    • African Foods and Music (New Orleans)
    • California Drought: The Grapes of Wrath Today (Northern California)
    • California Marine and Coastal Ecosystems (Sail toCatalina Island)
    • California Traditional Ecological and Indigenous Knowledge (Northern California)
    • Computer Animation
    • Cooking and Culture
    • Discovering Mysterious Patterns Around Us
    • Exploring and Debunking the Myths of the Spanish Conquest (Mexico)
    • Grassroots Activism
    • Images and Words: Exploring the Art and Interplay of Image-Making and Writing
    • Migrant Foodways in Los Angeles
    • Off the Wall: Honoring Indigenous Peoples Through Mural Making
    • Plants and Fiber
    • Protest Music: How Artists Accelerate Social Change
    • Race, Power, and Justice in Los Angeles
    • Renewal Energy (Massachusetts)
    • Sustainable Fashion: Sewing, Design, and Creating a Brand
    • The Pad Project at the UN Commission on the Status of Women (New York)
    • Urchin Slaying: Navigating the Southern California
    • Kelp Forest Ecology
    • Voices of History: Holocaust & Antisemitism
    • Who are We? Understanding the Legacies of Colonialism and Racism (Maryland & Virginia)

    Student life at Oakwood is enriched by participation in a wide variety of 60+ student-led clubs and organizations. Working with both peers and facilitators, student passions are engaged to instill a sense of purpose and help create proactive members of our community.


    • Applying Math
    • Art & Lit
    • Baking in Hebrew
    • Car Club
    • Chess Club
    • Culinary Club
    • Debate
    • Dungeons and Dragons
    • Environmental Justice Club
    • Esports
    • Fashion Magazine
    • French Club
    • Gender Equality Coalition
    • High School Newspaper
    • Hooked on Books
    • Horizon Hydrogen Fuel Cell Grand Prix
    • International Thespian Society
    • Jewelry Making
    • JPL Invention Challenge
    • KOAK Student Radio
    • Middle School Newspaper
    • Mural Club
    • Mock Trial
    • Oakwood Entrepreneurship Club
    • Oakwood School for Progressive Reform
    • Political Philosophy
    • Prom Committee
    • Spirit Squad
    • Star Wars
    • Student Government
    • Swiftie Club
    • Yearbook